Tuakana Takahe (Kindy)
3 - 6 years
If your child is transitioning through from Teina Tui, their needs and strengths will be communicated between teachers, and time will be taken to develop that special relationship with the new teachers of the Tuakana Takahe room. If you’re new to the centre, time will be taken to understand your family’s needs, aspirations and routines, as we all work together in giving your child the framework and freedom to grow. Our Tuakana Takahe programme focusses on the following areas >> skills of inquiry, thinking and reasoning >> confidence, independence and self-help skills >> learning caring, reflective and principled behaviour >> and ability to be open-minded, well balanced and knowledgeable - with our dedicated teachers paying special attention to your child’s developing interests. Notably, your child's learning will be visible with planning displayed and assessment in their portfolios. A typical daily schedule would include time for a group gathering to share news, stories and songs (with a numeracy and literacy focus), designated active and quiet times, and a rolling meal in the morning and afternoon (so your child can understand when they are hungry, and start to respect their learning so key moments are not interrupted). Family/whanau involvement is encouraged, to add to the experiences within the centre, and to extend on activities from your home and community.
Tuakana Takahe can cater for up to 20 children. We aim for with a teacher/child ratio of 1 : 10 in this area, although at times this may vary due to enrolment patterns.